There have been countless sports video games throughout the years. We’ve gone from Pong for the Xbox 360. But the growth of games has meant games. Just because a game has graphics and more flashy ports, it does make for good gameplay. That is why that many PS2 and Xbox games are doomed to linger in discount bins while classics like Tecmo Super Bowl and NHL ’94 continued to be obsessed over by sports lovers.
Tecmo Super Bowl (NES) – This match was far before its time – editable playbooks and year long stat monitoring were so cool back then. Because of this, the game is popular and there are a lot of people who play in leagues. Emulators’ arrival has allowed for rosters’ editing – rosters and versions of this game and I have played from as recent as 2004. Additionally, there are versions with rosters that are USFL and faculty rosters. The gameplay quirks that are bizarre such as Bo Jackson being impossible to stop bouncing all over the place, by imagining the play etc make the 37, choosing plays fun. This game will never get old.